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GI Upset

Abstinence from Heavy Marijuana Use Can Cause Stomach Upset

One of the most common withdrawal symptoms is GI upset. This can manifest as nausea, loss of appetite, or food aversion, where the thought of food seems unpalatable. Eating is one of the many human joys, and you may have enjoyed it even more with marijuana. Sitting with a wonderful plate of food in front of you, but feeling disgusted by it, can be incredibly frustrating and disappointing.

You are not alone, though. Changes in appetite can affect over 50% of users attempting to abstain1. The majority experience a decrease in appetite, but increased appetite is also reported especially later in the cessation period.

Though it may be difficult, the best way to get through this phase is to try to eat even when you’re not hungry. Try to eat smaller portions or snacks throughout the day. Your body still needs energy even if your brain isn’t passing along the message appropriately. Rest assured that your appetite will return. Make sure you give your body the fuel it needs to tackle these hurdles.

Changes in appetite can affect over 50% of users attempting to abstain1. The majority experience a decrease in appetite, but increased appetite is also reported especially later in the cessation period.