According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, brain fog is a “usually temporary state of diminished mental capacity marked by inability to concentrate or to think or reason clearly”. Brain fog is associated with a variety of medical conditions, including substance abuse and addiction.
The feeling you may experience is in the name, a fog or haze that drifts over your ability to think or concentrate. You may be frustrated that your brain doesn’t seem to work as fast as you want. People sometimes say their brain and body feel out of sync with each other. Alternatively, brain fog may manifest as forgetting things easily or having difficulty concentrating. These feelings may come and go and likely represents your brain recalibrating from extended use of marijuana.
The ultimate cure for brain fog is time, but in the interim, you can optimize your actions to improve everyday functioning. First, modify other aspects of your life that may be contributing. Get enough sleep, exercise, eat healthy, and try various relaxation techniques. If memory is a problem, make lists, write things down, and create alarm reminders.
Although brain fog can be frustrating and a little scary, it will ultimately go away. Don’t start thinking that your brain will never go back to normal, as that’s not the case. It’s just one of those pesky symptoms that sticks around for a while.
”Although brain fog can be frustrating and a little scary, it will ultimately go away. Don’t start thinking that your brain will never go back to normal.